When do comets travel fastest
When this happened, a tremendous amount of energy was released, throwing up billions of tonnes of dust. This huge dust cloud blocked heat and light from the Sun, making the Earth very cold.
It is thought that this drop in temperature contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs. Scientists worry that an asteroid could still hit the Earth and cause a global catastrophe. Comets tend to have very extended and elongated orbits, which often exceed 50, AU from the Sun. The dust tail consists of micrometer-scale particles. In fact, comets can be traveling up to three times faster than NEAs relative to Earth at the time of impact, Boslough added.
The speed of comets also means that a dangerous one could be nearly upon Earth by the time scientists detect it. These are much larger than comets.
An asteroid only 5 km across would be classi- fied as small; Ceres, the largest, is times bigger than this. They show no coma activity and the reflectance spectrum is similar to that of asteroids. They are bigger than standard comets but smaller than a typical asteroid. The comet is travelling at its fastest when it is closest to the Sun.
As the comet moves away from the Sun , the reverse happens. The Sun ' s gravity pulls the comet backwards and slows it down.
The gravitational forces become weaker as the comet gets further away. When the Earth passes through the dust comets leave behind in their orbits we get to experience spectacular meteor showers. Tags: astronomy-space , physics. Email ABC Science.
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