What will things be like in 100 years
The megatrends say that industries will be transformed by artificial intelligence, machine learning and data. Flights without pilots will be the norm. We will not think twice about jumping into an autonomous aerial vehicles to travel, said Jia Xu, senior director of strategic planning for Honeywell Aerospace. The future of aviation will also be sustainable and seamless.
Powered by high-density energy storage, the aviation industry will be carbon negative as flights become emission-free. Buildings are central to our lives. During the next century, artificial intelligence AI and machine learning ML will help those facilities anticipate our needs and become automatic buildings. This includes ideal comfort settings for lighting and temperature to security and energy measures, such as automatic shutdowns during a perceived threat or optimized power consumption with Net Zero buildings.
Global mega-trends centered around urbanization, sustainability and productivity indicate another years of growth ahead for the building industry, said Himanshu Khurana, vice president and chief technology officer of Honeywell Building Technologies.
Next-generation environmental controls will make long-term deep space habitation possible. Communication, guidance and controls will enable deeper and more efficient exploration. Optical technology will provide secure, high bandwidth communications necessary to operate in remote environments.
The next years could see quantum computing revolutionizing chemistry, materials science and many other fields, said Honeywell staff scientist Chris Langer. Used as a tool for development, quantum computers will likely enable the discovery of new drugs, chemicals and materials, lowering the cost of production and improving quality of life. The Plastic Circular Economy will become a reality.
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Read more. Further reading A selection of Analysis articles for further reading Read more. Do you need a tech degree to work in tech? Who needs just one existence when you can have several happening simultaneously? Any fans of Doctor Strange are familiar with this concept of parallel worlds coexisting. But the next century will see these develop, according to Amyx, from virtual to real—for better or worse. Some may choose to live almost exclusively in virtual worlds, ushering the era of virtual mind opioids.
The top-down approach to governing will shift to one that's more community-oriented and democratic, according to Rohit Talwar, a global futurist, and founder and CEO of Fast Future. Citizens will be provided certain services—such as food, education, utilities, and transportation—free of charge, and will feel a greater stake in their community.
You can still work if you want to — but no one has a job, we just play various roles in society, and self-organization by activities is the way most things get done.
Talwar also sees lifespans growing to " years or more" meaning that "there is plenty of time to try our hand at everything we'd like to do. Talwar adds that education centers such as schools, colleges, and universities will become more central and free to the community, with courses running, either in-person or virtually, around the clock. And if you're struggling through a not-so-free college education right now, get ahead with these 20 Things Your College Professor Won't Tell You.
Alexander D. Lopatine, managing director of Fintech Advantage, Paladin fs , expects that every payment and transaction will be forever recorded in a kind of "universal ledger. Your credit score would fluctuate constantly based on every transaction or life event recorded in the ledger.
Then, every time you seek a loan, you would be scored instantly and receive offers from various lenders with an interest rate calculated to that moment—based not just on finances, but health data, which "will be constantly streamed and added to the ledger and the credit score. Before a baby even leaves the hospital, he or she will be installed with sensors and possibly even actuators which will allow for health monitoring, geolocation, and more.
That's the prediction of Chris Nielsen, founder and EVP experience design for technology company Levatas , as well as a futurist. Parents will always know where their kids are, with pinpoint accuracy due to location-aware capabilities of the sensors.
For example, Elon Musk is already developing early-stage neural lace prototypes, so this technology will likely be far more evolved in years. Well, Nielsen, suggests that it will be far less important in years than it is today and it's already a lot less important today than it was a decade ago. The automation we've seen happen in manufacturing will spread to many other professional fields, says Nielsen.
Self-driving automobiles will take over for professional drivers and truckers, automated payment options will replace cashiers and check-out people, and so on.