What is the difference between sus and tus

Earned a lingot! Helped me greatly! Thank you VERY much dougherty! October 20, LuckyKathy13 Plus November 3, Learn Spanish in just 5 minutes a day. For free. Get started Login. Now we are not discussing formal vs informal use. Learn Spanish. Sign in. The difference is that "su" is formal and " tu" is informal.

The "su" form would be used if you do not know a person or are formally speaking to someone. Also, it would be "sus profesores" because "sus" is plural. And " te gustan" or "le gustan". But the context looks as if is "tu" to me. Perfecto, gracias Fernita! Son mis gatos. In all cases, the possesive pronoun must "agree" with the number of the noun to which it refers.

In the cases of nuestro a s and Vuestro a s , they must also agree with th gender of the possessed noun. Hope this helps. Yea, I forgot to tell you. And, as far as I remember, Mexicans are the only ones that use it to address people from the very beginning. I guess you will have to find out as you meet people. Thank you all for your very useful information! I had never made the connection between su and usted! Not like they're offended or anything, but more like it's just awkward and unnecessary.

And they also use the vosotros form.


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